I'm New

What to Expect?

What is Centennial Baptist anyway?

Centennial Baptist is a Southern Baptist Church serving the Rutledge, Madison, Social Circle and Mansfield areas (among others). We began worshiping together in 1876. Since then, God has done a miraculous work in growing this great church! Check out our Vision and Core Values here.

When and where do you meet?

We meet for Sunday School Small Groups Sundays at 9:15am.
We meet for Worship on Sundays at 10:30am & 6:00pm.
On Wednesday evenings we have AWANA & Youth Services at 6:30pm
Adults meet for Prayer Meeting & Adult Choir at 6:30pm
The church is located at 5321 Brownwood Road

Do I have to dress up?

Nope! Just come as you are. You’ll see blue jeans, t-shirts, shorts, tattoos, hats, and boots, as well as a few blazers, ties, and dresses. Like we said, we want you to feel relaxed and at home at Centennial.

Can I bring my kids?

Absolutely! Our awesome children’s ministry is equipped to serve children from birth through fifth grade. All staff and volunteers are fully trained to work with children. Kids are also welcome to sit with parents in the worship center; we just ask that you respect those around you and take your child to the lobby if he or she is disrupting the service.

What about my teenage kids? Is there a youth group at Centennial?

YES! We have a great place for 6th through 12th graders to connect. BOOM YOUTH

What do you believe?

Centennial is a Southern Baptist Church. Click here to learn about our beliefs.

Where do I park?

We currently have parking on two sides of the Worship Center. The front parking lot (just outside the front entrance) is reserved for Guests, Senior Adults, Handicapped and Expectant Mothers. The East parking lot has plenty of space for everyone. There is also a lower parking area near the Children’s Ministry Building (The Center.)

Where do I come in?

There are 2 main entrances. 1 from east side parking lot at the portico and the Main entrance at the front of the Worship Center. You’ll find greeters at each entrance who’ll be happy to answer questions.